Édition Spéciale by Luxe Pack: Tapì will be flying to Paris

On the 4th and 5th of June, we will be flying to Paris to take part at the Édition Spéciale of Luxe Pack, a renowned European trade fair for luxury packaging, with a focus on sustainability.

This year, as well as amazing and dazzling visitors’ aesthetic sensibilities, the exhibition stands will not only be focussing on how to create elegant refined packaging. The Parisian trade fair will be aiming to create a wow effect above all for the benefits it can provide for the environment.

Of the 60 companies selected for Édition Spéciale, the packaging projects that will be exhibited at Le Carreau du Temple will be those which, in addition to enhancing the shape of some of the finest products around, also come up with solutions and innovations for those who value ecology and the well-being of the environment above all else.

Here at Tapì, we’re getting ready to grace the event with our solutions, which include Abor, a new concept in green design which aims to develop new ways for the distillates market to return to its origins, respect for Mother Earth and her resources. The idea underlying Abor is to re-use the waste materials from distillation to create communicative and eco-sustainable closures. An original idea for enhancing the origins of the product and those of the terroir in which it was conceived.

We can’t wait to get to Paris to provide you with all the information you might need! We look forward to seeing you at Édition Spéciale by Luxe Pack.

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Zum dritten Mal kommt die exklusive Fachmesse Packaging Première für wieder nach Mailand: Hier finden Branchenfachleute – von kleinen Produktionsbetrieben bis zu den großen internationalen Marken – ein „Siegel“ für ihre Produkte mit wiedererkennbaren, sehr kommunikativen Formen und Farben.

Die Messe wird zum Schauplatz der ganzen Produktionskette der Verpackungsbranche, wobei „Verpackung“ nicht nur im wörtlichen Sinne, sondern als Ausdrucksmittel des Produkts selbst zu verstehen ist.

Packaging Première ist dieeinzige italienische Veranstaltung, die sich als Treffpunkt von Designern und Verpackungsherstellern für den Luxussektor und internationale Marken versteht. Dieser visionäre Ansatz ist für die Teilnehmer hilfreich, um Zukunftstrends zu erkennen und dann die Marktnachfrage vorwegnehmen zu können.

Exklusive Premieren, Experimente und Luxus sind die Top Keywords für die diesjährige Packaging Première, an der auch wir von Tapì als Aussteller teilnehmen. Wir präsentieren hier unsere vertikalisierten Produktreihen für die Branchen Beverage und Kosmetik, in denen Luxus keine Option sein kann. Wir erwarten Sie vom 28. bis 30. Mai im Messezentrum Fieramilanocity, Halle 4, Stand Nr.C70-D69.

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London, March 28, 2019 – Tapì Group, the international Group specializing in the design, production, and distribution of high-end technological closures for the premium beverage sector, and Thin Film Electronics ASA, the leader in near field communications (NFC) solutions, have signed a Letter of Intent for an exclusive joint partnership to combine their industry-leading innovation capabilities to better serve the needs of the wine and spirits industry.

Tapì, headquartered in Massanzago (PD), Italy, and Thinfilm, based in San Jose, California, have established a strategic partnership encompassing development, delivery, and implementation of Thinfilm’s NFC-enabled solutions. The collaboration will create dependable, cost-effective closure solutions for brand protection and consumer engagement purposes.

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Packaging is about more than just aesthetics – how to change point of view in the wine sector

Packaging is about more than just aesthetics – how to change point of view in the wine sector

It’s commonly believed that packaging is simply the art of enclosing a product in order to display it to the public, concentrating solely and exclusively on its looks and shape, though this fails to take into account the many other qualitative and distinctive features that go to make up the product itself.

Packaging is not just a matter of aesthetics, which is why we put on an event focussing on this concept together with our partners Laffort and with the Spazio Di Paolo design studio. Within the renowned walls of Gruppo Italiano Vini’s Cantina Bolla, on the 18th of April, we discussed beliefs both old and new about packaging in the wine sector.

The message we all took home was the need to go beyond mere shape, in order to understand what role packaging plays and what makes it one of the most important and effective tools for communicating the qualities of the wines we sell to the market.